G-BT11/104EN Earth Elemental, Connell



Earth Elemental, Connell - Common (C)
G-BT11/104EN Earth Elemental, Connell Common (C) 89 disponibles En stock 0,99 €
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Texte d'introduction Create if it's gone. It's that simple.
Description [CONT](RC)[Generation Break 1]:When your units would be chosen by any fighter due to the effect of your opponent's card, choose units including this unit as much as possible.
[CONT]:This card is from all clans and nations.
  • Clan : Cray Elemental
  • Grade : 1
  • Race : Elemental
  • Shield : 5000
  • Power : 5000
  • Card type : Normal Unit
  • Skill : Boost
  • Regulation : G-Regulation
  • Illustrator : キリタチ
  • # Print : 1
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Earth Elemental, Connell
Earth Elemental, Connell
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