DZ-BT04/016EN Destined One of Supremacy, Lisciafael



Destined One of Supremacy, Lisciafael - Triple Rare (RRR)
DZ-BT04/016EN Destined One of Supremacy, Lisciafael Triple Rare (RRR) 3 disponibles En stock 5,99 €
Texte d'introduction The stage of supremacy. Only I will stand there.
Description [AUTO](VC)[1/turn]:When this unit attacks while not boosted, [COST][Energy-Blast 3 & put two or more rear-guards into soul], and this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn. This unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn for each card put into soul for this cost.
[Divine Skill] - [AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked a grade 3 or greater unit, if your soul has six or more cards, [COST][Counter-Blast 1], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -2 until end of turn. Until end of this fight, you get "All of your vanguards with "Lisciafael" in their card names get [Power] +5000/[Critical] +1. (Active on opponent's turn too)".
  • Grade : 3
  • Nation : Lyrical Monasterio
  • Race : Warbeast
  • Power : 13000
  • Card type : Normal Unit
  • Skill : Twin Drive
  • Skill 2 : Persona Ride
  • Regulation : Standard
  • Illustrator : Oli
  • # Print : 1
Destined One of Supremacy, Lisciafael
Destined One of Supremacy, Lisciafael
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