DZ-BT02/013EN Fated One of Taboo, Zorga Nadir



Fated One of Taboo, Zorga Nadir - Triple Rare (RRR)
DZ-BT02/013EN Fated One of Taboo, Zorga Nadir Triple Rare (RRR) 4 disponibles En stock 3,49 €
Texte d'introduction Break taboos. All to realize the long-held desires that spanned eons.
Description [CONT](VC):When you would play a normal order, you can choose a normal order with a different card name from your bind zone, and Alchemagic.
[ACT](VC)[1/turn]:[COST][Energy-Blast 2 & bind a normal order from drop], choose up to two cards from your drop, call them to (RC), and they get [Power] +5000 until end of turn for each normal order with a different card name in your bind zone. At the end of that turn, retire them.
[Divine Skill] - [AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, [COST][Soul-Blast 1], choose a column, and [Stand] all of your rear-guards in that column. At the end of that turn, retire them.
  • Grade : 3
  • Nation : Stoicheia
  • Race : Ghost
  • Power : 13000
  • Card type : Normal Unit
  • Skill : Twin Drive
  • Skill 2 : Persona Ride
  • Regulation : Standard
  • Illustrator : 増田幹生
  • # Print : 1
Fated One of Taboo, Zorga Nadir
Fated One of Taboo, Zorga Nadir
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