D-BT08/033EN Gratias Gradale



Gratias Gradale - Double Rare (RR)
D-BT08/033EN Gratias Gradale Double Rare (RR) 23 disponibles En stock 22,99 €
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Texte d'introduction Somewhere among the stars, the primordial blue fills the cup and waits for the seeker.
Description RegalisPiece@ (You may only have one Regalis Piece in your deck, and use it a total of one time in a fight) Play this if you have a grade 3 vanguard with persona ride and you did not ride this turn! Activate persona ride. (Draw a card, all of your front row units get [Power] +10000 this turn, and you are regarded to have persona rode)
  • Grade : 3
  • Card type : Normal Order
  • Regulation : Standard
  • Illustrator : イラスト/齋藤タヶオ
  • # Print : 1
Gratias Gradale
Gratias Gradale
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