V-SS09/136EN Perfect Performance, Ange



Perfect Performance, Ange - Triple Rare (RRR)
V-SS09/136EN Perfect Performance, Ange Triple Rare (RRR) 21 disponibles En stock 1,24 €
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Texte d'introduction With her appearance, the music scene of the world has been changed.
Description [Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] [Stride] this card on your (VC) from face down.
[ACT](VC)[1/turn][Generation Break 2]:[Counter-Blast]2 & Choose a face down card from your G zone, and turn it face up] Choose any number of any players' cards in any circle other than (VC), and return them to hand. This unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn for each card returned. If the number of cards returned is five or more, draw a card. If the number of cards returned is seven or more, this unit gets drive+1 until end of turn.
  • Clan : Bermuda Triangle
  • Grade : 4
  • Nation : Magallanica
  • Race : Mermaid
  • Power : 15000
  • Card type : G Unit
  • Skill : Triple Drive
  • Regulation : G-Regulation
  • Illustrator : ひと和
  • # Print : 1
Perfect Performance, Ange
Perfect Performance, Ange
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